C. Miller Fisherの17つのルール
1: The bedside can be your laboratory. Study the patient seriously.
2: Settle an issue as it arises at the bedside.
3: Make a hypothesis and then try as hard as you can disprove it or find the exception before accepting it as valid.
4: Always be working on one or more projects; it will make the daily routine more meaningful.
5: In arriving at a clinical diagnosis, think of the five most common findings (historical, physical findings, or laboratory) found in a given disorder.
6: Describe quantitatively and precisely.
7: The details of the case are important; their analysis distinguishes the experts from the journeyman.
8: Collect and categorize phenomena; their mechanism and meaning may become clearer later if enough cases are gathered.
9: Fully accept what you have heard or read only when you have verified it yourself.
10: Learn from your own past experience ant that of others (literature and experienced colleagues)
11: Didactic talks benefit most the lecturer. We teach others best by listening, questioning, and demonstrating.
12: Write often and carefully. Let others gain from your work and ideas.
13: Pay particular attention to the specifics of the patient with a known diagnosis; it will be helpful later when similar phenomena occur in an unknown case.
14: Be a good listener; even from the mouths of beginners may come wisdom.
15: Resist the temptation to prematurely place a case or disorder into a diagnostic cubbyhole that fits poorly.
16: The patient is always doing the best he can.
17: Maintain a lively interest in patients as people.
尊敬するC. Miller Fisher先生の17つのルールです。
*Caplan LR: Fisher’s rules. Arch Neurol 39: 389-390: 1982.