
Iatrogenic problems

Iatrogenic problems

There are a lot of iatrogenic problems in the hospital. Medications were considered to the most common causes of iatrogenic problems.

The incidence of iatrogenic disease is between 3.4% and 33.4% (sorry, I forgot the reference).

 In our case,
 67 year old man admitted to our hospital for a abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Lorazepam, levothyroxine, carvediolol have been administered  for a long time, as a treatment of anxiety, hypothyroidism, and heart failure respectively. The surgery succeeded as scheduled without problems, and extubated soon after operation. The drugs just mentioned above were stopped because he couldn't eat orally.
 When it was the post operation day 1, the systemic involuntary movements happened after he got awake. His consciousness was alert and well-oriented. There were no cranial nerve dysfunction, weakness, sensory impairments. In the morning, his involuntary movements seems to be a balisms (too hyperactive as a myoclonus, but too simple as a chorea) , and intravenous diazepam administration could easily controlled his movements. The movements altered to be negative myoclonus in the afternoon.
 The glucose, vitamine, electrolyte, ammmonium, thyroid functions were within normal range.
 Head CT couldn't find any bleedings or mass lesion.

So, I concluded that the mechanism of this movements were resulted from the withdrawal of benzodiazepine or beta-blockers.

The drugs re-started as soon as possible, and these involuntary movements completely disappeared.

I thought it was avoidable iatrogenic case. 
I should take care about my drug administration whether it is really needed to the patients.



 20157月に日本で保険適応となったエダラボンは、2001年に日本で急性脳梗塞に対する治療として認可されたfree radical scavengerである。
 ALSの病態として、フリーラジカルの産生が指摘されておりこれまで、エダラボンの有効性が示唆されていた(Lancet 2011; 377: 94255)

 エダラボンをALS患者に投与したdouble blind placebo controlled study(Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration, 2014; 15: 610617)

Inclusion Criteria:
definiteprobableprobable laboratory-supported
 (revised Airlie House diagnostic criteria)

Exclusion Criteria:
⚫︎薬剤効果判定に影響を与える合併症がある状態(PD, 統合失調症, 認知症など)
⚫︎腎機能低下(CrCl 50ml/min以下)
Study protocol
    その後Cycle6までは同様に14日中, 10日間エダラボン投与を行い14日間の観察期間を挟む。
 Primary endpoint
 ALSFRS-R  :  -6.35±0.84 vs  -5.70±0.85 (Placebo群 vs エダラボン群) (p = 0.411).

   Secondary endpoint
%FVC  :  -17.49±2.39vs -14.57±2.41 (Placebo vs エダラボン群)(p =  0.123).
握力  :  -5.71±0.69 vs -4.81±0.69  (Placebo vs エダラボン群)(p = 0.165).
definite ALSと診断された方がよりALSFRS-Rの減少を防いだ(-8.7 vs -6.7. Placebovsエダラボン群. p = 0.33).

 副作用 : 差なし.

 NNTが非常に小さく期待される効果が小さいとしても, ALSの治療薬は数少ない。そのため、ALS治療においては大きな一歩であると考えられる。
  Lancet 2011; 377: 94255
  Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration, 2014; 15: 610617


CMF rules

C. Miller Fisherの17つのルール
1: The bedside can be your laboratory. Study the patient seriously.
2: Settle an issue as it arises at the bedside.
3: Make a hypothesis and then try as hard as you can disprove it or find the exception before accepting it as valid.
4: Always be working on one or more projects; it will make the daily routine more meaningful.
5: In arriving at a clinical diagnosis, think of the five most common findings (historical, physical findings, or laboratory) found in a given disorder.
6: Describe quantitatively and precisely.
7: The details of the case are important; their analysis distinguishes the experts from the journeyman.
8: Collect and categorize phenomena; their mechanism and meaning may become clearer later if enough cases are gathered.
9: Fully accept what you have heard or read only when you have verified it yourself.
10: Learn from your own past experience ant that of others (literature and experienced colleagues)
11: Didactic talks benefit most the lecturer. We teach others best by listening, questioning, and demonstrating.
12: Write often and carefully. Let others gain from your work and ideas.
13: Pay particular attention to the specifics of the patient with a known diagnosis; it will be helpful later when similar phenomena occur in an unknown case. 
14: Be a good listener; even from the mouths of beginners may come wisdom.
15: Resist the temptation to prematurely place a case or disorder into a diagnostic cubbyhole that fits poorly.
16: The patient is always doing the best he can. 
17: Maintain a lively interest in patients as people.

尊敬するC. Miller Fisher先生の17つのルールです。

*Caplan LR: Fisher’s rules. Arch Neurol 39: 389-390: 1982.






・日胸疾会誌 34 (1) 1996